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Healing Intuition Group

Public·372 members

Wishing everyone the Happiest of New Years!! 🥳🎉

I have been in an energy of deep gratitude! 🙏🏻

Reminder that Mercury goes direct the 1st so it may be ideal not to start any resolutions until the 2nd. Totally up to you of course, whatever feels right!! 🤗

My resolution is for deeper authenticity 🥰

What about you?!? 🤔

I want to thank you all so much for such a beautiful year together, I am looking forward to 2024! The year of the 8.. no holding back, no playing small, showing up to our full potential for ourselves. 💃🕺💪🏻

Opportunities are coming because you remembered who you are and what you deserve.

And when I speak on remember who we are I want to remind everyone that this isn’t to say that we are better than anyone right. Like this isn’t a boastful thing. This is a knowing your own worth thing. 💜

You deserve everything great that is coming towards you. Remember it is not a race it is a marathon. You are always exactly where you should be. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Be safe out there! I love you all so very much.

Not every toad is a prince or princess 🐸 😘

Daniel Stevens
Jan 01

Indeed Remembering my authentic / Soul self. I resonate with this journey.



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